
Atom 中文亂碼

Atom 繁體 / 简体 中文亂碼 Atom 显示乱码问题 Atom 設定 字幕轉UTF8 install packages 1. auto-encoding (t-ishii/auto-encoding) Optional:2. convert-file-encoding (MessuKilkain/convert-file-encoding) Manjaro, Linux Mint, Ubuntu, Windows Search Packages Optional:Search Packages After install Optional:Convert to UTF8

Screenshot, Screen Capture

#Screenshot,  # ScreenCapture,  # 任意截取電腦桌面畫面,  # 截圖軟體,  # 免費截圖軟體,  # 好用截圖,  # 截圖,  # Windows,  # mac,  # linux,  # 馬賽克,  # win10 PicPick Lightshot Monosnap snipaste Flameshot Deepin Screenshot

Manjaro Notebook

Manjaro Notebook 安裝之後 Manjaro 設定 更新系统  $ sudo pacman -Syyu 安裝常用軟體 $ sudo pacman -S vim git wget yaourt $ sudo pacman -S flameshot 安裝免費字型 思源黑体 $ sudo pacman -S adobe-source-han-sans-tw-fonts adobe-source-han-sans-otc-fonts adobe-source-han-serif-otc-fonts adobe-source-han-serif-tw-fonts 安裝中文輸入法 fcitx (新酷音) $ sudo pacman -S fcitx fcitx-im fcitx-configtool fcitx-chewing 更改 ~/.xprofile $ vi  ~/.xprofile  export GTK_IM_MODULE=fcitx export QT_IM_MODULE=fcitx export XMODIFIERS="@im=fcitx"

After install 3rd party PHP applications on Synology

Synology support 3rd party PHP applications But you can NOT install plugin or theme after you installed. You have to change the permission as below : Open the Window's Command Line or any other telnet clients (such as PuTTY), Mac's Terminal, or Linux's Console, depending on which platform you are using. Connect to Synology NAS with Telnet/SSH: telnet (Synology NAS device's IP address) Login with the root account and Synology NAS admin's password. go to 3rd party PHP applications forder. DiskStation> cd /volume1/web/joomlaX enter the command :  DiskStation> chown -R http:http . DiskStation> chmod -R 755 . DiskStation> chmod 644 *.txt DiskStation> chmod 644 *.php DiskStation> chmod 644 *.html 使用非Synology套件安裝PHP應用,一台Synology架設多個Joomla,一台Synology架設多個網站

Synology directly connect to Ubuntu PC

Synology directly connect to Ubuntu PC will need to change the wired connection to "Link local only" Then you can search it to install or connect Synology NAS directly. Synology 網路線直接對接  Ubuntu