After install 3rd party PHP applications on Synology

Synology support 3rd party PHP applications

But you can NOT install plugin or theme after you installed.

You have to change the permission as below :

  1. Open the Window's Command Line or any other telnet clients (such as PuTTY), Mac's Terminal, or Linux's Console, depending on which platform you are using.
    Connect to Synology NAS with Telnet/SSH:
    telnet (Synology NAS device's IP address)
    Login with the root account and Synology NAS admin's password.

  2. go to 3rd party PHP applications forder.
    DiskStation> cd /volume1/web/joomlaX

  3. enter the command : 
  • DiskStation> chown -R http:http .
  • DiskStation> chmod -R 755 .

  • DiskStation> chmod 644 *.txt
  • DiskStation> chmod 644 *.php
  • DiskStation> chmod 644 *.html



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